04 Sep 2018
The Ancestors - 祖先
In this episode, we explore the history of writing in China. From the very beginning, China has been known by its people, as (神州) “Shén zhōu” Shen Jow, a name which translated literally into English, means "the Land of God" or “God’s Land”. A distinguishing fact of the Chinese language is that it is pictographic and ideographic rather than phonetic. Evidence of ancient Chinese writing was first discovered in Beijing in 1899. A scholar noticed that some bones sold for medicinal use in a Beijing pharmacy had inscriptions carved on them.
We will look at the “oracle bone” script (甲骨文) or the “Jia-gu wen”. And the bronze inscriptions (金文) known as the “Jīn wén”. And the classical texts (典籍) “diǎnjí” refers to nine books: (四書) “Sì shū” and the (五經) “Wǔjīng” the “Five Jing”.
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